What is decarbonisation and why it matters for our planet and your business

What is decarbonisation? 

Decarbonisation has become a popular word when talking about reaching net zero but what does it actually mean? Decarbonisation on a basic level means the reduction of carbon. It refers to the measures and actions taken by an organisation, business, government etc in order to reduce the amount of carbon we emit into the atmosphere. 

What goals have already been set? 

In 2019, the UK was the first major global economy to legally commit to reach net zero by 2050. This target will require the ‘UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, compared with the previous target of at least 80% reduction from 1990 levels.’¹  

Why is decarbonisation important for the climate? 

Decarbonisation is vital if we are to curb temperature rises and reach government net zero targets. In response to the 2015 Paris Agreement, 196 parties entered into a treaty on climate change ‘to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 °C, compared to pre-industrial levels.’²

Although action is being taken, many reports suggest that we’re not on track to meet the Paris targets and more progress needs to be made. Our current trajectory shows a 1.5°C temperature increase is looking less and less achievable. Such a shift in temperature would cause irreversible damage in our ecosystem from species extinction to extreme weather events.  

How do we decarbonise globally?  

If we are to decarbonise, we target high-emitting sectors such as oil, gas, steel and cement. Steel alone generates ‘around 8 per cent of all global CO2 emissions’.³ US Special Presidential Envoy for the Climate, John Kerry, spoke at a session on "The Decarbonization Challenge" at COP27 highlighting the importance of investing in decarbonisation and the role of developing new technology to accelerate action in high-emitting sectors. He wrote on Twitter ‘It was my pleasure to speak at the opening of the Decarbonisation Day at COP27 to call for rapid methane reductions and climate action from industry. The oil, gas, steel, cement and other carbon intensive sectors can and must act to cut emissions and keep 1.5°C within reach’.⁴

Why is decarbonisation important for my business? 

Decarbonising your businesses has many benefits beyond just helping the planet. Implementing decarbonisation measures can: 

  1. Save costs: Reducing your consumption such as using less energy, paper, streamlining shipping processes etc will translate to a reduction in costs. 

  2. Future-proof: Businesses will need to implement sustainability in order to meet future legislation. 

  3. Attract stakeholders: As demand for sustainability grows, customers, investors and employees will favour businesses with strong green credentials. 

How can I decarbonise my business? 

Decarbonisation cannot be achieved through solely targeting high emitting areas; it must be a change that is implemented at every level. If you’re looking to decarbonise your business you should:  

  1. Understand your footprint: Calculate your emissions so you can understand where you are now, target high emitting areas and track changes over time. Invest in green technology: Using green technology can help reduce the amount of energy you use. Tech can range from installing smart sensors to EV charging points. 

  2. Transition to green energy: Using renewable energy sources reduces the reliance on fossil fuels. 

  3. Invest in nature-based solutions: Safeguarding natural ecosystems such as forests, soils are crucial in accounting for your impact. 

How can Zellar help me decarbonise? 

Zellar helps businesses to measure, plan, activate, report and share their sustainability journey. Businesses wanting to decarbonise can understand their current emissions, create an action plan on how to improve and get connected with the services they need to implement climate actions from green tech providers to offset and biodiversity projects. Get your business involved at zellar.com

1 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-becomes-first-major-economy-to-pass-net-zero-emissions-law

2 https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/the-paris-agreement

3 https://iap.unido.org/articles/steel-and-cement-can-drive-decade-action-climate-change-how

4 https://twitter.com/ClimateEnvoy/status/1590970228686495744?cxt=HHwWgIClkcy_oZQsAAAA


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