7 benefits to having a Zellar sustainability score

Consumers, investors, and stakeholders are demanding greater transparency and accountability over who they buy from, work for, supply and lend to. That’s why we developed the Zellar score – it’s like a credit score for sustainability.  

Our vision is to create a searchable universe of businesses where anyone can find out what a business is doing to become sustainable - enabling everyone to make better informed decisions. 

But how does the Zellar score work and how it can help your business reduce emissions, costs, consumption and more? 

What is a Zellar sustainability score? 

Your Zellar score is a live measure of your business’ sustainability progress. It accounts for every sustainable action recorded to an organisation’s Zellar profile and wraps it up into one simple score.  

Your score shows where you are now in your journey and helps you identify where to go next. It’s displayed on your public facing sustainability profile which makes it easy for you to share your progress. 

But what else can your Zellar score do for your business? 

  1. Qualify for procurement 

    Your Zellar score can be used to qualify for the growing number of supply chain tenders that require suppliers to demonstrate their sustainability credentials.  One Zellar customer Fizzco, told us how they've been using their Zellar score: 

    "We received our sustainability score and immediately shared this as evidence for our client and were successfully awarded the contract. When sending out a tender, we without fail also include our Zellar score." 

  2. Retain customers

    With customers becoming more conscious of the impact of their purchases, businesses will increasingly need to prove that they’re sustainable to hold on to their customers. Research shows that sustainability can help increase brand loyalty with ‘34%’ returning to brands that offer a variety of sustainable products.¹ Your Zellar score is an easy way to prove your commitment to sustainability and keep customers returning to your business.

  3. Attract employees

    Your Zellar score can even be used to help attract employees. A recent survey showed that around two fifths % of UK working adults agree that they are more likely to choose to work for a company with environmental initiatives, than one without’.²


  4. Insight and improvement

    Only ‘1 in 10’ businesses are measuring their carbon footprint.³ By using Zellar, you can calculate your impact and use the sustainability score as an at-a-glance metric to measure your sustainability progress, to help you identify where you can improve and share your score to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

  5. Effective benchmarking

    You can use your Zellar score to benchmark your progress against peers in your region and sector.  It can help foster healthy competition and drive continuous improvement. Every Zellar business gets a rating of ‘average’, ‘good’, ‘very good’ and ‘excellent’.

  6. Lower costs

    Focusing on improving your Zellar score can often lead to lower energy, water and waste bills, with estimated savings of up to £4,100 available within the platform.

  7. Access investment

    Investment, insurance, banking and grants are increasingly becoming contingent on proven Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) activity, so using your Zellar score to prove your business is actively sustainable could open the doors to more opportunity.

Make sustainability work for your business 

So, as you can see that your Zellar score is a powerful tool that allows companies to weaponise sustainability and make a positive impact on every area of their business including recruitment, sales, procurement, finance and marketing.  

And of course, by boosting your Zellar score you’ll also be making a positive impact on the planet, so it really is a win-win. 

Join Zellar today to get your score working for your business and our planet.

[1] https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/consumers-care-about-sustainability-and-back-it-up-with-their-wallets

[2] https://www.natwestgroup.com/news-and-insights/news-room/press-releases/climate/2022/mar/9-out-of-10-smes-don-t-know-business-carbon-emissions.html#:~:text=NatWest%20Group%20research%20has%20revealed,emissions%20in%20the%20near%20future

[3] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58167618/8167618


Zellar launches UK-wide programme to help UK schools build and deliver Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy


Call for 200 Brighton & Hove businesses to claim free access to Zellar