New features: Sustainability plan builder and sustainability 360

Explore sustainability actions, customise and build a Zellar plan.  

What is a sustainability plan? 

A sustainability plan is your roadmap to achieving your green goals. Having a plan helps you identify what areas to target, offering your business the necessary direction to become sustainable. Becoming a sustainable business may seem a daunting task, so having a plan makes it much more manageable. Sharing a plan your with peers, colleagues, customers and anyone else who matters,  also demonstrates your commitment to driving change and in turn makes you accountable to deliver. 

What is Zellar’s sustainability plan builder and how does it work? 

Zellar’s plan builder feature enables you to quickly and easily build a plan that suits your business. To help you get your plan started, we automatically add a number of recommended action cards -- based on your business type. However if these don’t feel right for you, you can simply remove them. 

Our growing library of impact-weighted sustainability initiatives have been grouped under three areas: Support climate projects, reduce emissions, create a sustainable culture. All you need to do is browse the action cards in each library. Each card has brief description and a score. When you see an action card you’d like to  take - it takes no more than a click to add it your plan. 

When you’ve completed an action it’s just another click to mark it as complete. This automatically adds the requisite points to your Zellar score, records the action to your Zellar profile and add moves the action to your list of completed cards.  

We’ve even made your plan available for download in case you want to save it to your desktop or attach and share with others over email. 

What else is new…?

Sustainability 360 

We’ve added a new section to the platform called Sustainability 360. Sustainability 360 is a set of action cards designed to inspire you with practical ideas to quickly improve your sustainability across your whole business. From ethical banking to sourcing second-hand office furniture, it offers helpful new ways to encompass sustainability into your business.

Want to become a sustainable business? Want to become a sustainable business? Find out more at and book a demo here.


Luke Southern appointed to Zellar advisory committee 


Chris Brindley appointed as chair of Zellar